midterm self-assessment

I don’t feel like I have worked hard enough towards my potential and I still am unsure of what exactly I want to do with design when I graduate. that being said, I feel like I have found a renewed motivation to push myself and my design work. over the winter break and on into the first few weeks of this semester, I was questioning a lot of things about where I was and where I was going; soul-searching, you could say. during this period of assessment, my anxiety had a field day and I took on an outlook that was not helping me, but instead was comparable to a ‘pity party’. I realized that this attitude was in no way what-so-ever productive or constructive. so, upon this realization, I began an attitude makeover, I decided to change my perspective and – be. more. positive. a healthy dose of positivity in my life made a big difference. I already feel more confident to speak to people and about my work, and I’m more excited and motivated about my design work. and when I’m more positive, I’ve noticed that the people around me respond more positively as well which is just a great feeling all around. I am excited to continue to grow and to learn. One thing that I really struggle with for some reason, is keeping up with my blog posts. This is a silly thing to struggle with and I feel that it could easily be corrected. I write everything down in my journal, but I write EVERYTHING in my journal, so sometimes the more important notes to self get lost. I’m thinking of getting a calendar planner as well to keep up better with when to do what.

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