Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Modern Bronte

these are shots of my final bronte themed magazine spread. the whole tone of the design has strayed a bit from the feel of my initial branding elements (dark/romantic/errie)…and by ‘a bit’ I mean pretty much completely (past vs. modern/story/brooding playful)–but I can explain! when I was creating a layout, I started tailoring the tone of the design to the specific content of the found article. I almost reverted back to more of the style of my initial elements before they evolved into their darker counterparts, and in result, my branding elements will probably change in relation to this when I get back around to them. enjoy:

Read A Book

here are my final book jacket designs for my oh so lovable sports series. for these designs I was still focusing on the environment and textures of the sports (wrapped around) and residue left behind from impact (integrated with my hand cut type), except this time I did it a bit better than before. with these I delved more into experimentation with layering and analog which helped a lot in my opinion.

guns don’t kill people. people with guns kill people.

and here is my final strike at ridding the world of unnecessary gun violence through design. the hour glass is a metaphor for the life/death/time situation with the bullets standing in for sand and then turning in to blood as it passes through to really drive the point home. I wanted to go with a light, unexpected, posterized feel to the overall work and also keep with the monochromatic, but I got comments such as “breast cancer” and “valentines day”– so I should probably look back into that. well, without any further ado, here you go:

Drum Roll Please.

my communication theory website is as done as it has ever been before. be excited. I tried to keep a fun, light, organized, slightly minimalistic design through out the whole of the site. and then I separated the topic pages by color. here are some process shots and screen shots. and here is a link if you don’t believe me: